Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Market by Key
Segments | Forecast Years:
{reportSlug=global-water-and-wastewater-treatment-technologies-market, reportId=18064, mktKeyword=Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, cagr=0.00, publishDate=May 2022, priceOption2=6800, reportTitle=Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Comprehensive Study by Application (Oil/Water Separation, Suspended Solids Removal, Dissolved Solids Removal, Biological Treatment/Nutrient and Metals Recovery, Disinfection/Oxidation, Other), Offering (Treatment Technologies, Delivery Equipment, Treatment Chemicals, Instrumentation), End User (Municipal, Food and Beverage, Pulp and Paper, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Poultry and Agriculture, Chemical and Petrochemical, Other) Players and Region - Global Market Outlook to 2027, baseYr=2021, totalTableFig=218, priceOption1=3750, forecastYr=2027, noOfPages=234, reportKey=17994, breadcrum=Global Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies}
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Key Highlights of Report
May 2022
234 Pages
66 Tables
Base Year: 2021Coverage: 15+ Companies; 18