About Integrated Passive Devices
Integrated Passive Devices (IPDs), also known as Integrated Passive Components (IPCs), or Embedded Passive Components, are electronic components that include resistors (R), capacitors (C), inductors, microstrip lines, impedance matching parts, baluns, or some combination of these components. Because of the necessity to reduce the number of components to be installed in an electronic machine, resulting in reduced logistics, and the need to miniaturize electronics for medical, wearable, and portable use, integrated passive devices are mostly used as standard parts or custom-built. Strip lines, baluns, and other radio frequency components may be miniaturized with IPDs with smaller tolerances, particularly if thin-film technology is used. If miniaturization is the ultimate aim, IPD chips may be stacked with active or other combined passive chips. With the increasing consumption of electronic devices; the demand for integrated passive devices is increasing.
Attributes | Details |
Study Period | 2020-2032 |
Base Year | 2024 |
Unit | Value (USD Million) |
CAGR | 8.2% |
The global market is highly competitive and consists of a limited number of providers competing. The intense competition, changing consumer spending patterns, demographic trends, and frequent changes in consumer preferences pose significant opportunities for market growth. Analyst at AMA Research estimates that Global Manufacturers will contribute the maximum growth to Global Integrated Passive Devices market throughout the forecasted period. Established and emerging Manufacturers should take a closer view at their existing organizations and reinvent traditional business and operating models to adapt to the future.
STATS ChipPAC Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), Texas Instruments (United States), ON Semiconductor Corporation (United States), Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan), Johanson Technology, Inc. (United States), OnChip Devices, Inc (United States), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), STMicroelectronics N.V. (Switzerland), Global Communication Semiconductors, LLC (United States), 3DiS (France) and Advanced Furnace Systems Corp. (Taiwan) are some of the key players that are part of study coverage.
Segmentation Overview
AMA Research has segmented the market of Global Integrated Passive Devices market by Type (ESD, EMI, RF-IPD and Others (LEDs)), Application (Medical Devices, Wearables, Mobile Phones, Computers and Others) and Region.
On the basis of geography, the market of Integrated Passive Devices has been segmented into South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), MEA (Middle East, Africa), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). If we see Market by Substrate, the sub-segment i.e. Silicone will boost the Integrated Passive Devices market. Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth. If we see Market by Components, the sub-segment i.e. Resistors will boost the Integrated Passive Devices market. Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth. If we see Market by Sales Channel, the sub-segment i.e. Direct will boost the Integrated Passive Devices market. Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth.
Influencing Trend:
Rise Of 5g Devices Is the New Trend in Integrated Passive Devices Market and Growing Demand for Stacked Integrated Passive Devices for Compact Devices
Market Growth Drivers:
Demand for High Performance and Compact Electronic Devices and Growing Demand of Integrated Passive Devices Due to Rise in IoT Devices
Cost of Integrated Passive Devices Tend to Be Higher Than Discrete Components
Supply-Demand Gap Due to Covid-19
Medical Sector and Wearable Sector Have Increasing Demand for Integrated Passive Devices and With Increasing Complexity of Electronic Devices; The Demand for Integrated Passive Devices Is Set to Increase Further
Market Leaders and their expansionary development strategies
In September 2023, X-FAB Silicon Foundries SE announced new IPD fabrication capabilities derived from its XR013 130nm RF SOI process, which allows the integration of passive elements directly into device designs, offering significant space and cost savings.
On April 7th, 2021, Texas Instruments, a leading manufacturer of Integrated Passive Devices, introduced a new family of synchronous DC/DC buck controllers that enable engineers to reduce the size and electromagnetic interference (EMI) of power supply solution. Engineers may use the newly launched LM25149-Q1 and LM25149 to reduce the size of an external EMI filter by half, reduce the conducted EMI of a power design by up to 55 dB over several frequency bands, or achieve a mix of reduced filter size and low EMI. Reducing EMI in power supplies is becoming more difficult as electronic material in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), automotive infotainment and clusters, building automation, and aerospace and defense designs grows.
Key Target Audience
Venture Capitalists and Private Equity Firms, New Entrants/Investors, Analysts and Strategic Business Planners, Integrated Passive Devices Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Distributors, Raw Material Suppliers, Government Regulatory and Research Organizations, End-Use Industries and Others
About Approach
To evaluate and validate the market size various sources including primary and secondary analysis is utilized. AMA Research follows regulatory standards such as NAICS/SIC/ICB/TRCB, to have a better understanding of the market. The market study is conducted on basis of more than 200 companies dealing in the market regional as well as global areas with the purpose to understand the companies positioning regarding the market value, volume, and their market share for regional as well as global.
Further to bring relevance specific to any niche market we set and apply a number of criteria like Geographic Footprints, Regional Segments of Revenue, Operational Centres, etc. The next step is to finalize a team (In-House + Data Agencies) who then starts collecting C & D level executives and profiles, Industry experts, Opinion leaders, etc., and work towards appointment generation.
The primary research is performed by taking the interviews of executives of various companies dealing in the market as well as using the survey reports, research institute, and latest research reports. Meanwhile, the analyst team keeps preparing a set of questionnaires, and after getting the appointee list; the target audience is then tapped and segregated with various mediums and channels that are feasible for making connections that including email communication, telephonic, skype, LinkedIn Group & InMail, Community Forums, Community Forums, open Survey, SurveyMonkey, etc.