What is Disposable Sterile Acupuncture Needles Market?
Acupuncture is an old method of traditional Chinese medicine process by using needles, An acupuncture needle is a tool intended to pierce the skin in the practice of acupuncture. These needles are positioned at specific points in the body to relieve pain and also it has been used to treat other conditions as well. According to the research more than 3 million American people use acupuncture, In France one ith five personal has tried acupuncture. The first acupuncture needles were made of animal bones and stone knives, now these needles are sterile, made of stainless steel, and they are disposable (single use only ). Growing interest and the use of these acupuncture treatment methods in other countries are increasing the demand for Disposable sterile acupuncture needles.
The market study is being classified by Type (J-Type, L-Type and D-Type), by Application (Clinic, Hospital and Other) and major geographies with country level break-up.
Wujiang Shenlong (China), Jiangsu Acupro (China), Changchun Aikang (China), Taixing Sanli (China), Taixing Tianhe (China), Wujiang Cloud & Dragon (China), Seirin (Japan), Empecs (Korea), DongBang Acupuncture (Korea) and Asiamed (Germany) are some of the key players profiled in the study. Additionally, the Players which are also part of the research are Gushi Gongyuan (China).
The companies are exploring the market by adopting mergers & acquisitions, expansions, investments, new service launches, and collaborations as their preferred strategies. The players are exploring new geographies through expansions and acquisitions to avail a competitive advantage through combined synergies Research Analyst at AMA predicts that China Players will contribute to the maximum growth of Global Disposable Sterile Acupuncture Needles market throughout the predicted period.
Segment Analysis
Analyst at AMA have segmented the market study of Global Disposable Sterile Acupuncture Needles market by Type, Application and Region.
On the basis of geography, the market of Disposable Sterile Acupuncture Needles has been segmented into South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), MEA (Middle East, Africa), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth.
Market Drivers
- Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
- Increasing adoption of inactive lifestyles
- Adverse Effect Of Acupuncture Treatment
- Rising Awareness And Benefits Of Acupuncture Treatment Is Booming The Opportunities Of Growth
- Lack of Professional Practitioners
Key Target Audience
New Entrants/Investors, Analysts and Strategic Business Planners, Disposable Sterile Acupuncture Needlessd Manufacturer, Raw Material Suppliers, Dealers, Suppliers, Traders, and Distributors, Venture Capitalists and Private Equity Firms, Government Regulatory and Research Organizations and End-Use Industry